Lumecca™ IPL Therapy

What is Lumecca™ IPL Therapy?

The Lumecca™ IPL therapy is a powerful and effective treatment in reducing and removing hyperpigmentation and vascular lesions in the skin, from redness and spider veins to postinflammatory hyperpigmentation (for example, post-acne) and sun damage pigmentation. This popular anti-aging treatment is a quick treatment with visible results after the first one to two sessions.

How does Lumecca™ IPL Therapy Work?

Lumecca™ IPL uses intense pulsed light photo-thermolysis through the delivery of specific wavelengths of light which interact with red and brown pigments in the skin (melanin and haemoglobin). These pigments absorb the light energy and are destroyed, often in one session. Hyperpigmentation patches are fragmented and either absorbed and removed into the blood and lymphatic system, and thread veins are obliterated almost instantaneously. Lumecca has a high specificity and selectivity for pigmentation and redness created by sun damage and is one of the most powerful treatments for this purpose

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What areas can be treated?

Lumecca™ IPL can be used on any part of the body. The most commonly treated areas are those that are most frequently exposed to the sun, i.e. the face, neck, décolletage, legs, hands and arms.

What Is the Downtime?

While there is no downtime, there will be darkening of the areas treated with Lumecca™ IPL and will eventually fade in a few days. It usually just lasts up to a maximum of 3 days and will eventually flake off. There will also be warming on areas of the skin and redness on areas as well, but it will fade and heal after 3 days.

During the healing process, it is ideal to avoid direct sun exposure and minimize it as much as possible. This would also include heat-inducing activities like sauna and hot massages.

HOW many sessions do I need?

An improved skin appearance can be noted after the first session. Multiple sessions provide even better results. We recommend a package of 3 for the optimum results.

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Before & After Lumecca™ IPL Therapy

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